2023 Heritage Dinner — photo credit Amber Cook2023 Heritage Dinner — photo credit Stephanie Sparks-NewlandBoyce and DeLayne Wear, Democratic Party volunteers, posing before the Heritage Dinner — photo credit Sheila RodgersHeidi Campbell speaking with Maury County residents — Photo Credit Amber CookJeremy Humphrey and Jameson Manor, recent Democratic candidates in Maury County, posing at the Heritage Dinner — photo credit Sheila RodgersJim York speaking at the Heritage Dinner after receiving the Jerry and Linda Colley True Democrat Award — Photo credit James DallasKathy Hannen, Sheila Sparks-Newland, Heidi Campbell and John Ray Clemmons posing at the 2023 Heritage DinnerMayor Chaz Molder poses for a photo with Drake Colley, Susan Colley, and Abigail Colley Thornton at the 2023 Heritage Dinner — Photo Stephanie-Sparks NewlandRep John Ray Clemmons speaking at the 2023 Heritage Dinner — Photo credit James Dallas