The Maury County Democratic Women is the local affiliate of the Tennessee Federation of Democratic Women and the National Federation of Democratic Women.
The Democratic Women help the Maury County Democratic Women, as well as the community. We meet about once per month to eat dinner and discuss how we as Democratic women can work for the success of the Democratic Party both locally and nationally. We enjoy our social time together, making friends, and working towards our goals. We encourage you to join us!
Our current officers are:
Chair: Celia Parrott
Vice Chair: Claudia Hoenicke
Secretary: Judy Ashmore
Treasurer: Joann Belcher
While the Maury County Democratic Party does not and cannot charge dues, the Maury County Democratic Women do have dues. Membership dues for the Democratic Women are $10 per year ($5 goes to the local chapter and $5 goes to the Tennessee Federation of Democratic Women).
For more information please fill out the contact information below: